Originally utilized to keep a laptop clear of the working surface on the "Apronless Shipping Tables" (see post Feb. 15, 2009) that I built for my son's business,
bikeshophub.com, I now use this modified CompX Ergonomx monitor mount as my second story office. A slot under the specially made platform contains the current project folder, a tray contains pens, pencils, bike tire gauge, cell phone, tape measure, etc., another slot holds a pad, order cards, calculator, etc., ear protection hangs on the side and more. The fully articulating arm can raise or lower in a 13" range as well as swing into any position or completely off the workbench. Thus everything is quickly accessible without cluttering the work area. A fully articulating magnifying halogen lamp unit completes this second story office, akin to the half story in
Being John Malkovich.