Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flying Hint #6: Flight Bag & Seat Slippage

The tendency of the front seats in single-engine Cessna aircraft to come unlocked and slip backwards on their rails has been addressed and likely fixed by Airworthiness Directives.  But I say, "What the heck?"  I put my venerable and indestructible Sporty's flight bag behind the pilot's seat, and just in case I find myself suddenly traveling aft, I won't go very far.  The bag is unlocked, and I can actually reach around and grab things if needed (the arrangement of the contents is well memorized).  This is hardly a problem for the back seat passenger as the density altitude at Flagstaff's 7000' elevation often transforms this 4-place Cessna Skyhawk into a 3-place aircraft.  Of course, if I take the advice I gave to my flight students and keep a gentle touch on the yoke, any surprise seat slippage would result in loosing one's grip rather than having the nose point skyward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are sharing very informative information.
Flight Bag