Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flying Hint #5: Engine Failure Troubleshooting - Part 1

This is the procedure I taught my flight and ground students, just the troubleshooting aspect of an engine failure, which must be done simultaneously with establishing glide speed and choosing an emergency landing site...thus, no peeking!  Do remember to fly the aircraft.  In Part 1 the left hand flies and the right hand fixes, and in Part 2 (next post) the right hand flies and the left hand fixes.  Create a pattern appropriate to the aircraft as the physical path helps cement memory.  In this Cessna check that the fuel selector is on both tanks, move up and apply full carburetor heat, move rightward and apply full throttle and last, adjust the mixture, though the flight manual recommendation for full rich may not be appropriate at high altitudes.  Pointy...square...smooth...bumpy.  Better than counting sheep, review the pattern with your eyes closed, practice cheaply in the cockpit while looking outside at the view of the ramp, and then do the real thing flying with an instructor.

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