Thursday, December 23, 2010

Artisan at the Holidays

Artisans and artists live on a precarious edge, crumbled even further by the economic events of the past couple of years, and they make an act of faith by continuing their work rather than retreat to more solid ground.  The end of the year is an appropriate time to reflect upon one's patrons who make that life on the edge possible, even exciting, the anticipation of the next rabbit jumping out from behind a bush.   And they do.  I feel a deep appreciation for all my patrons, past and present, with whom I have hammered out all the details of commissions, getting things just right and special, and who make the life of an artisan a privileged position.  Also, a big thank you to the gal who is always there to hold "the other end of the board."  The best of the holiday season to you all!

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